Active Interrogation

Detecting or radiographing materials with integrated deployable systems that can detect and discriminate Special Nuclear Materials (SNM), chemicals, and contraband is an increasingly growing need. TID technologies are improving the efficiency, size, cost, and reliability of active interrogation systems as well as developing novel radiating systems to improve detection capabilities.
Key Competencies

Accelerator Design, Integration, Test
TID has the capability to perform in house design, fabrication, integration and experimental test for complete accelerator systems. Our focus is on the development and incorporation of new concepts to significantly advance the cost-capability a accelerators systems, by forming strong partnerships with our government, non-profit or commercial partners.
Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASIC)
ASICs from small prototypes to System-on-Chip solutions. Main expertise in analog, digital, and mixed-signal architectures, low noise analog front ends, noise filtering optimization, high speed (down to 20 ps), mixed mode blocks, ADC’s, DAC’s, high-speed GHz digital data transmission in 250nm to 65 nm fabrication processes (e.g. TSMC, IBM, L-Foundry, AMC). Commercial, military ground, and space based applications. Example applications: Photon Science (LCLS, LCLS II, Synchrotron Sources); High Energy Physics (ILC, LHC ATLAS, nEXO, DUNE); Astro-Physics (Fermi space-based telescope); Neuroscience / Medical Imaging; 3D-Imaging (Driverless cars, SPADs), Improvised Explosive Device (IED) detection; Micro-processor peripheral integrated systems.

High Voltage Power Supply/Modulators
SLAC has remained a world leader in high voltage power supplies and modulators for several decades. We designed, built, and power supplies ranging from 1MW average power to over 1 GW peak power as well as 10’s of ns and 1us pulsers to CW power supplies. In addition, we specialize in very high voltage design and implementation: up to 500 kV. Our skilled implementation has led to several systems becoming the standard for next-generation accelerators. For example, the SLAC P2 Marx is included as the baseline for the proposed International Linear Collider.
Piezoelectric Devices
TID has expertise in the design, characterization, and implementation of piezoelectric devices. Supported by multiple DARPA-funded projects, we use this technology to push the boundaries of high-gradient acceleration as well as high-Q antennas. SLAC has multiphysics optimization tools, strength and velocity characterization equipment, high-vacuum expertise, and strategic partnerships with industry leaders in piezoelectric single-crystal manufacturing and characterization. In addition, SLAC utilizes the suite of manufacturing and characterization facilities at Stanford such as the Ginzton Crystal Shop to support rapid prototyping and characterization.

RF Sources (Design, Fabrication & Testing)
RF sources are a key driver the size and performance of accelerators, radars, telecommunications systems and satellite platforms. The SLAC TID team is uniquely qualified to bring the novel vacuum electronics (VEDs) concepts to experimental validation. The demonstration of VEDs requires the development and integration of a variety of technology maturity levels, combining fundamental research with the unique facilities and capabilities of a National Laboratory with a longstanding reputation for RF source development.